Thursday, 14 February 2008

1 year on from Broken Leg

Well I would like to say that I am healed or even most of the way there but no such luck. Without a doubt this has been the worst year of my life.I spent the first 5 months in agony due to having been nailed 30 degrees malrotated.
It took 5 months for my surgeon to admit the mistake.I then had the leg rebroken to straighten it and a new nail put through it. I was full of hope that this was it: now I could get better.
Unfortunately after this operation although the leg felt so much better my knee felt worse. Knee pain had started on the inside of my leg before the leg was rebroken due to all my weight going down the inside of my leg. After the operation I also had a lump on the outside of my knee and severe pain on that side.Now its 7 months on from the 2nd op and knee pain rules my life having gotten much worse in January.
It has taken 7 months for my surgeon to take any notice of me this time and his verdict is that it will get better on its own. He has not examined me, watched me walk or given me a MRI scan.I've just put in an official complaint and I wish I had been much more forceful earlier. I had faith in my hospital and now I have none. I can no longer stand long enough to do even the most simple tasks.By sheer stroke of luck a new job my husband started only 3.5 weeks ago gives me free medical insurance and covers pre existing conditions. Maybe 2008 will give me my life back after all and HEY my birthday this year is on 08/08/08 !!I saw the private knee specialist yesterday and he was astounded by my problems, he watched me walk, examined me and spent an hour asking me questions and then sent me for xray. His verdict...well he wants an MRI scan to confirm ( this Friday)is that there are 4 things wrong with my knee and 3 need operating on and the 4th physio. 1 of the problems stems from my original knee pain when my leg was twisted. He is certain he can fix the three operable things and told me never to let a surgeon operate again on my leg without an MRI scan. THe private medical insurance say they will pay for everything :-) and this surgeon gives me confidence.The ironic thing is my BL is well and truly better twice over but I'm still not even back to square one. It can only get better from here can't it??Di


Alkemist said...

Hi Diane
Chris Ward here from Aberdeen. Really glad to hear things are moving in the right direction or should that be limping in the right direction. Tell hubby to get the damn pool finished so you can get some therapy.
Wishing you all the very best and dont listen to anyone, thats a fine pair of pins you got there.
Happy valentines day

Dynamite said...

Thanks Chris from I take it you work on the Oil Rigs since you are an engineer???A bit hard on crutches....I'm lucky I trade the stockmarket and try to make a living otherwise no one who have employed me this past year.